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Posted 05/02/2024
by Michaela Wright

January 2024

We started the month with an Ancient Egyptian day which involved the children exploring the Liverpool museums virtual Egyptian exhibition, locating Egypt on maps and atlases, assessing what they already knew about Ancient Egypt and using different art techniques to transform themselves into pharaohs. During the course of the month the children continued to study Ancient Egypt, becoming historians by firstly, asking and answering lots of questions about the past and evaluating the reliability of their evidence. Then, they used different primary and secondary sources of evidence to learn about this period of history. Finally, they compared now and then to look at how things have or haven’t changed over time looking for similarities and differences to answer our question ‘What was it like to be Tutankhamun and how does it compare to my life as a nine-year-old?’.

In Literacy this month we have been studying the story ‘How to train your dragon’ We read the story as a class over the course of the month whilst completing VIPER activities and using our Fab Four characters to investigate the story in more detail. The children completed lots of SPaG work, particularly focusing on expanded noun phrases, direct speech and fronted adverbials before eventually planning, writing and editing their very own chapters for the story.

In Maths we completed lots of work on multiplication and division. The children spent time using various different written methods to help them complete the given calculations.

In Art/DT this month the children designed and created their own clay tiles with their hieroglyphic initials. They also completed observational drawings of Ancient Egyptian artefacts using different shading techniques to add tone and detail. The children used a range of different techniques and processes to create a piece of print work based on Ancient Egypt. They created a watercolour base before using a roller to print their black painted silhouettes onto the base.

In Music the children have started to learn the glockenspiel. After recapping some of the vocabulary and terminology the children have learnt to play several different notes and have begun playing these alongside different tunes, many recognisable to them.


Head's Blog   Week ending 1st March 2024

Posted 26/01/2024
by Sarah Sanson

The weeks have flown by and I know that most of you use Seesaw to be kept up to date on what is happening in school, but I thought that I would give you a broader overview of life lately in both bases,
Thank you to Mrs Trapp in her role as leader of the fundraising club. The recent 'penny war' raised a brilliant £96.48. The 'war' element was won by Year 4 who collected £37.87, second was Year 2 who collected £23.88 and 3rd place was Year 3 who collected £16.87. 
Another massive thanks needs to go to Mrs, Hannaford, who has spent a great deal of time training and organising the school football teams. The teams are going from strength to strength and, even though they don't win every time, they are really developing as a team.
I want to continue to thank the Friends for organising all of the events to raise funds for our schools.Their latest newsletter has been sent via Seesaw and is also available on the website. Last week we had a workshop with local artists where some of our children made a start on the 'giants' for Callington MayFest. This year we are creating a 'Phoenix'.
Last week some of the Year 3/Year 4 represented the schools in the annual 'Songfest' event. 11 amazing children represented both schools brilliantly on stage in Launceston town hall. Huge thanks to Miss Owen for rehearsing the choir and to Mrs Pearce for transporting the pupils to the event. Also to Mrs Trapp who chaperoned the children alongside Miss Owen during the afternoon/evening. Thank you also to parents who attended the event to support their children.
Looking forward too World Book Day next Thursday!



Posted 10/01/2024
by Rachel Tomkins

Happy New Year!

This half term our big question will be ‘What can you find where the land meets the sea?’. We will be particularly focussing on the coastline of Plymouth and the human and physical geography to be found there. If you take a trip to Plymouth over the next few weeks, perhaps you could visit somewhere by the sea? Maybe take a walk down at the Barbican and talk about what you see where the land meets the sea.


After half term we will be moving on to the question of ‘How do we know about dinosaurs?’.

Ways you can help your child to make good progress at school:

*Read with your child at least three times per week and record this in their reading diary.

*Find ways to get counting, number recognition and simple calculation into daily tasks.

*Make sure your child has everything they need to be warm and comfortable at school (please get in touch if you are having trouble with this).

*If you are providing additional snacks, please ensure they are healthy ones.

*Arrive before 8:55am to ensure a smooth start to the day.

Timetable changes:

Because it is Year One’s turn to have an Arena coach teaching PE this term, we have needed to swap our PE day to Tuesday. The children will have their PE session in the first half of the afternoon and will then be taught by Mrs Hannaford for the remainder of the day.

Please feel free to contact me via Seesaw or catch myself or another member of the team at pick up if you have any questions or information to pass to us.


Best wishes for a great term ahead!


Mrs Rachel Tomkins



Posted 10/01/2024
by Michaela Wright

Welcome Back

Welcome back to school and happy new year!

It has been lovely to see all of the children back in school, please find below a copy of this terms class newsletter.


The ARC   Spring Term in the ARC

Posted 09/01/2024
by Johanna Thomas

The Topic this term will be all about Water. It is a short term so we have lots to fit in!

In Art we are looking at the paintings of Monet and then creating our own water scenes with chalks and textiles. We will also be making 3D fish. We will also be working on some Computer Art this term.  Geography will focus on our Wonderful World where we will investigate the 7 continents and 5 oceans. In Science we will be learning about solids, liquids and gasses. Our cooking sessions will all involve using water. 

In the ARC we provide sensory activities for our pupils. This term, alongside individual sensory diets, we will be focusing deep pressure activities. 

We are all learning  Makaton together so that we can use to communicate using signing. This has been lots of fun! 

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. 


Fistral   January 2024

Posted 09/01/2024
by Sarah Evans

Welcome back to school and Happy New Year! 

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas break. Please see the attached newsletter for an outline of our learning for this half term.


The ARC   December in the ARC

Posted 09/01/2024
by Johanna Thomas

It has been a very busy December in the ARC. We have enjoyed Christmas dinner, role play activities where we dressed as characters from the Nativity. We have made Christmas cakes and cards and enjoyed learning about the Christmas story in RE. We wish you all A Very Merry Christmas!


Head's Blog   Week ending 5th January 2024

Posted 05/01/2024
by Sarah Sanson

Welcome back! I hope that you all had a lovely time with your families over the festive period. It was lovely to see all of the children once again this week but I think that I speak for everyone when I say that we were all glad that it was a short week as everyone was a little tired after the holidays.
I want to say a big 'thank you' to pupils from Year 5 who created a lovely animation demonstrating one of the Trust's values of excellence. The animations were then shared this afternoon via a Teams meeting with all of the other Trust schools- what a lovely event.
Today marks the last day before Miss Hambly officially starts her maternity leave. I know that you will join me in wishing her the very best. I thought that you might like to see a picture of her and her leaving gifts (which we shared with her on the last day of term.) Have great weekend - see you all next week. The half termly newsletter will be sent to you next week.


Fistral   December 2023

Posted 04/01/2024
by Sarah Evans

December has been a very busy month, with lots of time taken up working on our 'Twinkly Nativity'.
Despite some last minute nerves, (mostly mine!), the children performed brilliantly. They spoke with very loud, clear voices and their singing was amazing, they made us very proud.

We have also been working on the story 'The Elves and the Shoemaker' in literacy and wrote some wonderful stories.
In maths we have been learning all about money and how to recognise and add coins. We also learnt to make the same amount in different ways.

Finally we really enjoyed our Christmas theatre trip to watch Raymond Briggs 'Father Christmas'. We even got a signed copy of the book!

Merry Christmas and have a wonderful break with your families!


Head's Blog   Week ending 15th December 2023

Posted 17/12/2023
by Lynn Cox

It's been a very Christmas filled week at both bases. On Wednesday the children enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch- thank you to all who cooked and helped serve and clear up! Friday evening saw a fantastic Design Technology exhibition. It showcased fabulous work from all year groups. Over 60 parents with their children attended the event and enjoyed viewing the exhibition, buying some of the lovely Christmas crafts that the children had made and enjoying games, pizza and other refreshments. Thank you to all of the staff who gave up their time to run the event and to the Friends of Delaware and Gunnislake for running refreshments, games and the raffle.


Head's Blog   Weeks ending 8th December

Posted 08/12/2023
by Lynn Cox

What a fantastic couple of weeks we have had at both bases. On Tuesday 28th November the Year 3/Year 4 girls' football team played their final match of the league and came from 0-0 at half time to beat Bishop Cornish, who are a much more experienced team, 2-0! Well done girls and Mrs Hannaford. We are all really proud of you and look forward to the next tournament. 
It has been lovely to see all of you at the book fair during this week- thank you for supporting the school by purchasing some of the beautiful books on display.
Our Year 1 and Year 2 classes gave two fantastic performances of 'A Twinkly Nativity' to families on Thursday 7th December. The singing was superb and those with speaking parts were loud and clear. The evening performance was so well attended that it was 'standing room only'. Thank you to all of the staff who worked so hard to make it a success and to the Friends for providing refreshments.
The Y2 children enjoyed a fabulous day at the theatre watching a production of Raymond Brigg's "Father Christmas". Miss Evans reported back that the children thought it was 'magical'!
As we enter our final full week of term, here is a reminder of some of the upcoming events.
Wednesday 13th December- Christmas lunch - wear Christmas jumpers!
Friday 15th December- Design Technology Exhibition- 6pm at the Delaware base.
Tuesday 19th December - Carol Service and Christingle 1.30pm at the Delaware base.
Tuesday 19th December- End of term.
Have a great weekend!


Nursery   November 2023

Posted 07/12/2023
by Lynn Cox

We’ve had a busy and fun-filled November with lots of celebrations and events to enjoy. We started the month with our Diwali celebrations and used multi-sensory activities to help our understanding. We used small parts and 2D shapes to make rangoli patterns and used pipecleaners for threading. At snack time we tried some new foods and played with our ‘Spice Station’  smelling fragrant spices.

We remembered our fallen heroes for Remembrance Day and decorated poppies with rose petals and leaves.

Next up was Anti-bullying  week and we discussed what makes a good friend and how we can be kind. This was quickly followed by Children in Need where we made our own Pudsey ears, Pudsey Bears with playdough and used tweezers to post pompoms through Pudsey’s bandana.



Posted 05/12/2023
by Lynn Cox

November 2023

Christmas has arrived already here in Year 5.
We have spent the last few weeks planning, making and evaluating hanging Christmas decorations. We had to meet a design specification, create possible plans before designing a final bauble. Then we got to make! For many of us, it was our first time using FIMO clay and we learnt a lot; from rolling it out, using a cutter and finely crafting our patterns. We came across many hurdles which we strived to overcome, such as: cleaning equipment between colours and altering our designs slightly so that we can produce the best possible product. Look at some of the amazing results below. Our tree was then displayed in the local church for their annual Christmas tree festival!
Alongside these amazing creations, we learnt a lot about conducting a Science experiment this month. We learnt how to conduct a fair test and why a fair test is important (to ensure reliable results). We made a prediction about which materials we thought would dissolve in water and then carried out a fair test to see how accurate we were in our predictions. We explained these fully in our written conclusions.


Fistral   November 2023

Posted 03/12/2023
by Sarah Evans

November has been a fun filled month. 

In art we have been experimenting with different watercolour techniques.
Then we learnt about Guy Fawkes in history and created some beautiful wax resist watercolour firework pictures.

In literacy we have been learning the poem 'Tell Me a Dragon' which was very exciting because we found a real dragon egg in our classroom!
After some discussion about the best way to look after it, we wrote some instructions. After a few days we were amazed to find that it had hatched and the dragon had escaped! 
We are still hunting for it and there have been many potential sightings. We have imagined what it might look like and written some amazing poems.

We have also learnt about the Hindu festival Diwali and made 'mango lassi' in DT. We have also been designing and making some beautiful diva lamps out of clay ready for our exhibition.

In geography we have been exploring our lovely new atlases and also learning a new song to help us learn the name of the continents and oceans. 

In maths we have been mainly focussing on developing our addition and subtraction skills this month.



Posted 01/12/2023
by Michaela Wright

November 2023

We have had another busy month in Polzeath class. This month in Geography we have been looking into the question ‘What impact did travel during the time of the Tudors have on the world as we know it?’ The children have really enjoyed investigating the things travellers during the Tudor period found and how they impacted people then and now. They researched Sir Francis Drake and his circumnavigations, thinking about his discoveries and their impact on us today. The children also explored maps and atlases, in particular focusing on maps created back during the Tudor times and then comparing them to maps from today. They researched the tools that used to be used to draw and plot maps and thought about the reliability of them compared to the technology used today. The children learnt about the Mercator Projection and the distortions between a globe and a map. They then began to research some of the other travellers of the Tudor period and how their discoveries impacted the world as we know it as well as trade that happened between certain countries and how some of those trade links are still used today. The children came up with some brilliant ideas about the discoveries made and the affects of them since.

In Literacy we have begun to look at biographies, they children investigated what they are and some of their features. They then completed lots of SPAG work relating to the features of biographies. The biographies we have been focusing on are those of inventors and the children will be planning and writing their own biography for an inventor.

In Maths we continued with our work on times tables whilst completing a multiplication and division unit.

For Design and Technology this month we have been completing a big project for the upcoming DT Winter Wonderland Exhibition. The children researched and then planned out their own winter wonderland fairground ride. They completed a planning booklet before collecting their own resources and equipment and then making their ride. They used several different tools to help ensure they were able to construct a strong, stable structure that was also eye catching. They then created the moving element and added the finishing touches. This will be tested and evaluated against their original success criteria.


Seaton   November 2023

Posted 30/11/2023
by Rachel Tomkins

This month we have been focusing on addition, subtraction and shapes in maths. The children have enjoyed lots of practical activities to deepen their knowledge and understanding of common 2D and 3D shapes. We have introduced the number bonds to 10 this month. We will continue to practise and recall these as they are such an important step to being able to complete so many calculations throughout school and beyond.

We concluded our materials unit with an investigation 'Which material will you choose to build a house for the three little pigs?'. They children choose materials and made homes then the big bad wolf (AKA Mrs Tomkins' hairdryer) came to try to blow them down. 

In our sketch books we have been practising drawing from observation and drawing from imagination. 

We have introduced two new literacy activities to our weekly timetable. We now do something called 'Talk through stories' each day. This is a set time each day when we read the same story over a week and learn to use some of the most interesting vocabulary from it. The children loves the 'Click clack moo' story and have enjoyed making cow faces in the craft area and using the vocabulary 'I demand...'.

In history we have compared old and modern toys. We watched a film about Victorian toys and then sorted images of Victorian toys into ones we still make and play with today and ones that are no longer seen.

In November we marked anti-bullying week with a number of activities including creating a kindness tree with a class kindness pledge. 

We are just one week away from the Key Stage One Christmas performance so have been very busy practising lines, songs and actions ready to show the other children in the school and our families. 


Lusty Glaze   November 2023

Posted 30/11/2023
by Louise Owen

This month we have been working hard to prepare for the DT fair.  We are linking our topic question of 'What are volcanoes?' to this and intend to create volcano style hats.  We've been learning how to greet each other in French and in PSHE been talking lots about bullying and how we can be positive bystanders by helping those around us.  In Science we've been learning not only about volcanoes but about the soil beneath our feet and in RE we've been finding out about the five pillars of Islam.  In Geography we've been finding out where in the world volcanoes are and seeing how topographers draw things of different heights on maps.


The ARC   November in the ARC

Posted 29/11/2023
by Johanna Thomas


This has been another busy month. We  celebrated Bonfire Night at the beginning of the month and created fantastic firework pictures. We have also celebrated Anti-Bullying week. The children learnt about what bullying is. They thought about how they could help a friend that might be bullied; Joe suggested being extra kind to them. David said that they should tell someone. We created odd sock designs, wore odd socks and made odd socks biscuits. They tasted delicious. 

This term we have been learning about writing letters. The children have written letters to fairy tale characters, marked letters saying what could be improved. Jake read 'Dear Dinosaur' and has been exchanging letters with his own Stegasaurus. 

This month we celebrated David's birthday. He is now 11! The boys all posed together so that we could get a photo of nearly all of them together. 


Head's Blog   Week ending 24th November 2023

Posted 23/11/2023
by Lynn Cox

Another packed week at both bases. I was privileged to watch our girl's football team play on Tuesday. They were one player short and put up a fantastic defensive performance against Callington. They didn't let up the whole match and I was super proud to watch them. Thank you once again to Mrs Hannaford for coaching them and parents who transported and supported them. On Thursday Mrs Hannaford and I took 2 teams of 6 Year 5 and Year 6 pupils to a Trust wide handball tournament which was held at Callywith College in Bodmin.All of the children were amazingly sporting and they worked really well as a team. They were brilliant ambassadors for the schools. Thank you Kody, Bettsie, Sam, Elsie, Josh, Eleanor, Lowri, Karena, Isabelle, Mikey, Freddie and Alfie!


Lusty Glaze   October 2023

Posted 17/11/2023
by Louise Owen

Lots of learning in October.  We took part in the Tesco Halloween drawing competition.  Have learned how to count in French.  Have been thinking about being kind to one another and how to feel included.  We've continued with our magnet work and made magnetic board games.  We've also played and sang a short song using an ostinato...
Phew...things are busy in Year 3!


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Welcome back to all of our pupils. Nursery, Reception, Y1, Y2 , Y3 and Y4 will be taught at the Delaware base. Y5 and Y6 will be taught at the Gunnislake base.

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