Class Blog for Lusty Glaze

June 2024 

How has trade changed our world?

That is our big question this half term.  We've looked at what trade is and how the Silk Road, Spice Route and Tin Route have affected the world.  We've been learning about how different religions celebrate life events in RE, how to name shapes in French, how sounds and poetry go together in music and how to create moving posters in DT.  In English we have been doing poetry and looking at classic poems and the language that is used.  In Maths we've been learning how to tell the time.

Our Art Exhibition entry


March and April 

Our spring term was full of creativity!  We worked hard on improving our art work through collage techniques and wrote some lovely endings to the classic story The Wind in the Willows - Mr Toad certainly found some interesting ways to break out of prison.
We also conducted a geographical survey of the Gunnislake and Tamar bridges, focusing on the different types of traffic that comes through as we continue our river learning.
In RE we learned about the Easter story and what that means to people.
Our science topic of plants saw us finding out about the ideal conditions plants need to grow and we've tried to grow some different things for the gardening club.
Just after Easter we started our new topic around the question "How is the UK different to France?"  We tried some different French foods - camembert was a little too intense in flavour!


February 2024 

This February...

...we have been continuing our work looking at the Tamar Valley, in particular the river Tamar.  We learned about the history of the river and went on a field trip to the Tamar Bridge (a very wet field trip).  
In RE we have been thinking about Holy Week and the events leading up to Easter.
In science we have started a new unit all about plants.
We also had Mental Health Week where we thought hard about showing kindness, being confident and talking kindly about ourselves.
We've been learning about different watercolour washes in art and practicing creating different effects.


November 2023 

This month we have been working hard to prepare for the DT fair.  We are linking our topic question of 'What are volcanoes?' to this and intend to create volcano style hats.  We've been learning how to greet each other in French and in PSHE been talking lots about bullying and how we can be positive bystanders by helping those around us.  In Science we've been learning not only about volcanoes but about the soil beneath our feet and in RE we've been finding out about the five pillars of Islam.  In Geography we've been finding out where in the world volcanoes are and seeing how topographers draw things of different heights on maps.

 Image Gallery



October 2023 

Lots of learning in October.  We took part in the Tesco Halloween drawing competition.  Have learned how to count in French.  Have been thinking about being kind to one another and how to feel included.  We've continued with our magnet work and made magnetic board games.  We've also played and sang a short song using an ostinato...
Phew...things are busy in Year 3!


September 2023 

Welcome to the Lusty Glaze page.

Here in Year 3 we work hard and try to showcase our learning in lots of different ways.  Here is a snapshot of what we've been upto this month.


Our 'big question' this half term is What Was Life Like In The Stone Age?  We've been reading Stig of the Dump by Clive King and finding out lots about a Stone Age way of life.

Science, French, PE and RE.

We've been learning the Creation Story in RE and finding out about what makes our world wonderful.  In French we've been learning colours and how to count.  
In Science we've been investigating magnets; how they work, what is attracted to them, how they repel each other.
In PE we've been learning how to play football and been focusing on passing the ball and being good team mates.

Achievement Assembly

Most of our work goes on SeeSaw and every week we put up a photo of those people who get certificates in assembly.  There are certificates for: handwriting, reading, school values, PE, TA choice (thank you award).


Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Welcome back to all of our pupils. Nursery, Reception, Y1, Y2 , Y3 and Y4 will be taught at the Delaware base. Y5 and Y6 will be taught at the Gunnislake base.

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