Class Blog for Seaton

June 2024 

In June we began thinking about our new big question 'How have the Olympic games changed over time?'. We have learnt some key information about the ancient Olympics and about the modern Olympics which are happening this year in Paris. We also learnt about Jesse Owens (runner) and Ellie Simmonds (swimmer). We took part in sports week and sports day and had a great time learning our dance for the opening ceremony. We continued our learning about the Jewish faith and learnt what happens each week as Jewish families celebrate Shabbat and what happens each winter when Jewish families mark Hanukkah. We learnt two stories which people of the Jewish faith tell to help them to understand what their God is like. One of the stories was the story of David and Goliath. After reading this we reflected on times when we had been courageous. 

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May 2024 

During May we concluded our work on 'Why should forests be protected?'. We learnt about the flora and fauna of the rainforest and compared it to that of forests in the UK. We learnt about deforestation and used The Lorax to help us to think about how human activity can have a huge affect on plant and animal habitats. We also compared the weather and climate of the tropical rain-forest and forests here in the UK. 
In the lead up to the school art exhibition we learnt about, and worked in the style of, Alma Thomas. We experimented with sketching and paint techniques and created wonderful pieces for the exhibition. In science we continued to learn about plants and learnt about how to identify trees and tree and flowering plant structures. We planted seeds and investigated how well deeds would grow under different conditions. 

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March 2024 

March has been an action packed month. We designed and made our Easter baskets using the weaving technique we had practised on paper. We learnt about the human body and how senses can be used to inform us about what is around us. We learnt about a significant figure in the world of paleontology - Mary Anning.
We had a great time on our Wild Tribe morning. We loved getting creative with crafts and stories out in the woods.
We went on a trip to The Box museum in Plymouth. We took the train and joined a local children's author in celebrating the International Day of Happiness. We each came up with ideas that the author made into a song. We sang the song together at Plymouth station. While at The Box we learned all about the detective work that natural historians do. We tried to match up animals skulls to their diets and their species. We met Mildred the woolly mammoth - she was magnificent and quite enormous! We also got to see some huge fossils up close which reminded us of our work on Mary Anning.
In literacy we have learnt about, told and written riddles about animals and about dinosaurs. We read our dinosaur riddles to Year 4 who had to guess which type of dinosaur was being described. 
|n maths we have been exploring numbers to 50 and going outdoors to use our length measuring skills.

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February 2024 

In February we began thinking about a new big question - 'How do we know about dinosaurs?'. We began learning about fossils and paleontologists. 
In science, we learned about what different animals like to eat and whether they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. We also learnt that some animals make more suitable pets than others and explored the reasons for this.
This month we also learnt more about internet safety. We used the DigiDuck stories to explore how we should conduct ourselves online and we learnt that, when we see something online that makes us feel uncomfortable, we should stop, close and tell a trusted adult. 
We have also began exploring patterns, textures and colours in fabrics and have started to learn to weave by weaving paper. 
In literacy we have been reading and writing letters inspired by the 'Dear Dinosaur' story.

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January 2024 

This month we have been exploring the question of 'What can you find where the land meets the sea'. We have learnt about the 7 continents and 5 oceans and discovered what can be found around the coastline of Plymouth. We have also learnt how human beings are changing what can be found where the land meets the sea by allowing so much plastic pollution to get into the water and wash up beaches all around the world. 

In art we have been learning about the 3 primary colours and have been mixing paint to make secondary colours. 

In maths we have been learning about the place value of numbers to 20. we have been ordering and comparing them.

In music we have been learning about rhythem. The children have learnt rhymes and used drums to tap out the rhythm of the syllables in words. 

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Happy New Year!

This half term our big question will be ‘What can you find where the land meets the sea?’. We will be particularly focussing on the coastline of Plymouth and the human and physical geography to be found there. If you take a trip to Plymouth over the next few weeks, perhaps you could visit somewhere by the sea? Maybe take a walk down at the Barbican and talk about what you see where the land meets the sea.


After half term we will be moving on to the question of ‘How do we know about dinosaurs?’.

Ways you can help your child to make good progress at school:

*Read with your child at least three times per week and record this in their reading diary.

*Find ways to get counting, number recognition and simple calculation into daily tasks.

*Make sure your child has everything they need to be warm and comfortable at school (please get in touch if you are having trouble with this).

*If you are providing additional snacks, please ensure they are healthy ones.

*Arrive before 8:55am to ensure a smooth start to the day.

Timetable changes:

Because it is Year One’s turn to have an Arena coach teaching PE this term, we have needed to swap our PE day to Tuesday. The children will have their PE session in the first half of the afternoon and will then be taught by Mrs Hannaford for the remainder of the day.

Please feel free to contact me via Seesaw or catch myself or another member of the team at pick up if you have any questions or information to pass to us.


Best wishes for a great term ahead!


Mrs Rachel Tomkins


November 2023 

This month we have been focusing on addition, subtraction and shapes in maths. The children have enjoyed lots of practical activities to deepen their knowledge and understanding of common 2D and 3D shapes. We have introduced the number bonds to 10 this month. We will continue to practise and recall these as they are such an important step to being able to complete so many calculations throughout school and beyond.

We concluded our materials unit with an investigation 'Which material will you choose to build a house for the three little pigs?'. They children choose materials and made homes then the big bad wolf (AKA Mrs Tomkins' hairdryer) came to try to blow them down. 

In our sketch books we have been practising drawing from observation and drawing from imagination. 

We have introduced two new literacy activities to our weekly timetable. We now do something called 'Talk through stories' each day. This is a set time each day when we read the same story over a week and learn to use some of the most interesting vocabulary from it. The children loves the 'Click clack moo' story and have enjoyed making cow faces in the craft area and using the vocabulary 'I demand...'.

In history we have compared old and modern toys. We watched a film about Victorian toys and then sorted images of Victorian toys into ones we still make and play with today and ones that are no longer seen.

In November we marked anti-bullying week with a number of activities including creating a kindness tree with a class kindness pledge. 

We are just one week away from the Key Stage One Christmas performance so have been very busy practising lines, songs and actions ready to show the other children in the school and our families. 

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October 2023 

This month we have continued learning the story of the Three Little Pigs. We have learnt to write labels, lists and captions using the story as our theme. 
In art we have continued to use our sketchbooks and have found out that we can create lots of tones using just a normal grey pencil. 
In maths we have been learning more about number and have recently started to use part-whole models to help us to find number bonds within 10.
We have been learning about the season of Autumn with a walk around the school woods and lots of stories and poems themed on the season. The children have been developing their description skills in literacy by describing things they would sense on an Autumn walk.
We have continued our geography unit on 'Where in the world are we?' by looking at maps and aerial photograph of the school. We have used our labeling skills from literacy to label an aerial photograph. We have also drawn plans of the classroom. 
In science, we have been learning about materials and learning which materials things are made from and describing their properties. 

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We have a had a great start to Year One. The children have settled into their classrooms well and have enjoyed exploring the learning areas and resources on offer.

We have also settled into new phonics and guided reading groups and our enjoying using our new 'Letterjoin' handwriting resources to re-cap correct letter formation.
Our class text at the moment is The Three Little Pigs. We have learnt actions to the story and used it as a stimulus for label and list writing. The children have enjoyed acting the story out in the puppet theatre too. 

In maths we have been securing our mastery of numbers 1-10. We have been learning to read, write and spell the numbers as well as to order and compare them.

Our 'Big Question' this half term is 'Where in the world am I?'. We have used globes and maps to locate our country, county and some local landmarks. 

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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Welcome back to all of our pupils. Nursery, Reception, Y1, Y2 , Y3 and Y4 will be taught at the Delaware base. Y5 and Y6 will be taught at the Gunnislake base.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.