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The ARC   July

Posted 25/07/2024
by Jane Cansdale

Musical end of year 

The year ended on a busy note for us. We relished our trip to the Box Museum, where viewing artifacts from the Ancient Egyptian era linked to our history studies this term was fascinating.

Fortunately, the rain held off during our Sports week, allowing us to enjoy our races thoroughly.

In Science, we've delved into the world of sound this half term. Discovering the mechanics of how we perceive sound has been intriguing.

When sound reaches us, the air particles inside our ear canal vibrate and strike the eardrum. This causes the eardrum to vibrate, and these vibrations are transmitted to three tiny bones in the ear known as the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. The stirrup bone impacts the cochlea, which converts the vibrations into electrical signals that are sent to our brain through the auditory nerve. Once the signal arrives at our brain, it interprets the signal as the sound we perceive.

To delve deeper into sound, we applied our Design and Technology (DT) skills to create our own instruments. We started by designing our instrument, then proceeded to construct it using skills such as drilling, sawing, gluing, and finishing. Our efforts culminated in a proud performance at the end of the term.

We bid a bittersweet farewell to two of our boys from the ARC as they embark on their journey to Secondary school this coming September. 
Wishing David and Joe the very best of luck. 

May everyone have a delightful Summer holiday.


Seaton   June 2024

Posted 08/07/2024
by Rachel Tomkins

In June we began thinking about our new big question 'How have the Olympic games changed over time?'. We have learnt some key information about the ancient Olympics and about the modern Olympics which are happening this year in Paris. We also learnt about Jesse Owens (runner) and Ellie Simmonds (swimmer). We took part in sports week and sports day and had a great time learning our dance for the opening ceremony. We continued our learning about the Jewish faith and learnt what happens each week as Jewish families celebrate Shabbat and what happens each winter when Jewish families mark Hanukkah. We learnt two stories which people of the Jewish faith tell to help them to understand what their God is like. One of the stories was the story of David and Goliath. After reading this we reflected on times when we had been courageous. 


Seaton   May 2024

Posted 08/07/2024
by Rachel Tomkins

During May we concluded our work on 'Why should forests be protected?'. We learnt about the flora and fauna of the rainforest and compared it to that of forests in the UK. We learnt about deforestation and used The Lorax to help us to think about how human activity can have a huge affect on plant and animal habitats. We also compared the weather and climate of the tropical rain-forest and forests here in the UK. 
In the lead up to the school art exhibition we learnt about, and worked in the style of, Alma Thomas. We experimented with sketching and paint techniques and created wonderful pieces for the exhibition. In science we continued to learn about plants and learnt about how to identify trees and tree and flowering plant structures. We planted seeds and investigated how well deeds would grow under different conditions. 


Lusty Glaze   June 2024

Posted 08/07/2024
by Louise Owen

How has trade changed our world?

That is our big question this half term.  We've looked at what trade is and how the Silk Road, Spice Route and Tin Route have affected the world.  We've been learning about how different religions celebrate life events in RE, how to name shapes in French, how sounds and poetry go together in music and how to create moving posters in DT.  In English we have been doing poetry and looking at classic poems and the language that is used.  In Maths we've been learning how to tell the time.

Our Art Exhibition entry



Posted 05/07/2024
by Michaela Wright

June 2024

This month we completed our Geography topic on Cornwall before starting our History topic on World War One. The children began looking into to the question ‘Was Britain Ready for World War One?’ The children started this unit by investigating when and why World War One started as well as exploring some of the main events during this war. The children also investigated which countries were involved in World War One and how. The children are currently learning about other aspects of WW1 such as soldiers, trench life, children, women and how technology evolved during this time all to help them answer our topic question.

In Literacy, we studied two books linked to WW1. We read and studied ‘The Little Hen and the Great War’ along with the story of ‘Sergeant Stubby’. The children completed lots of work on both stories and then planned, wrote and edited their own short story which involved both the main characters of the above books meeting each other during the war.

In Maths, the children continued to work hard on their times tables before completing the MTC test. They also completed the White Rose statistics unit before carrying out some of their own class surveys and creating their own bar charts to present their findings.

In RE, the children spent time looking at various religions and non-religious groups and how all of these groups of people tried to help make the world a better place. They started by identifying some of the negative things people may do or have done and the impact of those actions and then looked at the opinions of different groups and what they do to try and help the world.

This month we were lucky enough to take part in sports week which involved the children completing lots of exciting sporting events in order to help earn house points for their teams. The week ended with our traditional sports day.


Fistral   May and June

Posted 05/07/2024
by Sarah Evans

We have been busy thinking about our big question 'What is it Like in Africa?'
We have used maps and atlases to locate Africa and to find out which countries, rivers and cities are part of Africa.

Then we focussed more closely on Kenya and the children have blown me away with their knowledge and understanding of the country.
They can talk at length about what physical and human features you might find there, compared to where we live.
 We also studied the climate, completing our weather chart, comparing weather and temperature in Nairobi and Drakewalls.

In Science we have been learning all about the animals that live in Africa, the range of different habitats in the country and how the animals are suited to the habitat they live in.

In DT we have been exploring African materials, patterns and masks to help inspire us to design our own masks. Then we had a go at making them, trying to copy our designs carefully. 

In Art we have been studying the work of Vincent van Gogh, learning all about him and discussing his paintings. Then we had a go at recreating the patterns and colours from his 'Starry Night' painting. Finally we created our own version of this painting and showed them off in our Art Exhibition.


The ARC   June in the ARC

Posted 30/06/2024
by Johanna Thomas

June in the ARC

This month many of our learning experiences have been outside. 

We had our Summer picnic down at Cotehele Quay. The boys enjoyed paddling and making huge splashes in the stream. We enjoyed an ice cream up at the cafe afterwards. Luckily the weather was kind to us and we had a beautiful day for it. 

It has also been Sport's Day this month. All of our children have taken part in some way. David and Joe are our Y6s and they were able to be part of the Gun Run teams. They both worked brilliantly in their red and blue teams to take the gun to pieces, run to the other end of the field, rebuild and bring back. Both teams one a race each! They also participated in the races on Friday when parents were able to watch proudly and enjoy a picnic with their children. 

In cooking we have been using seasonal produce to cook with: strawberry smoothies, tomato salsa and pesto pasta. We always enjoy cooking but only some of us enjoy the eating!



The ARC   May

Posted 04/06/2024
by Jane Cansdale

Spring and Planting Time

It is lovely to see some sunshine in between the rain. The boys have been able to get outside and plant the potatoes they chitted. We also managed to plant the carrots and Sunflowers that we grew indoors from seed.

We have enjoyed looking at the Seasons and making Leaf/Clay impressions. 

As we have also been looking at using are senses this term, we enjoyed using our ears to hear different sounds in the outside environment.


Lusty Glaze   March and April

Posted 09/05/2024
by Louise Owen

Our spring term was full of creativity!  We worked hard on improving our art work through collage techniques and wrote some lovely endings to the classic story The Wind in the Willows - Mr Toad certainly found some interesting ways to break out of prison.
We also conducted a geographical survey of the Gunnislake and Tamar bridges, focusing on the different types of traffic that comes through as we continue our river learning.
In RE we learned about the Easter story and what that means to people.
Our science topic of plants saw us finding out about the ideal conditions plants need to grow and we've tried to grow some different things for the gardening club.
Just after Easter we started our new topic around the question "How is the UK different to France?"  We tried some different French foods - camembert was a little too intense in flavour!


The ARC   April in the ARC

Posted 07/05/2024
by Johanna Thomas

April in the ARC

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc nunc purus, iaculis ut nulla id, condimentum euismod ligula. Aenean ut lorem purus. Etiam ac sodales sapien. Praesent bibendum congue ipsum in ullamcorper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Fusce tincidunt ac urna in faucibus. Sed tristique velit eu rhoncus aliquam. Curabitur mauris nulla, maximus dapibus tempus non mattis at urna. Sed et dapibus eros, eu venenatis est. Donec scelerisque interdum odio, vitae suscipit eros laoreet sed. Sed blandit nulla elit. Donec eget porta sem.

Praesent aliquam libero vitae rutrum bibendum. Donec consequat velit et consequat ultrices. Nunc porttitor lorem est, et porttitor ex facilisis id. Duis egestas condimentum erat id eleifend. Integer quis fermentum metus. Nulla eu neque vitae nibh hendrerit dignissim. Sed vulputate quam vitae fringilla euismod. Mauris eget pellentesque velit, sit amet euismod enim. Nunc lacus tellus, pretium nec diam ac, sollicitudin lacinia tellus.



Posted 07/05/2024
by Michaela Wright

April 2024

This month we began studying Cornwall. Our geography question being; ‘Where in the world do we live and how could we improve our local area?’ The children used maps and atlases to firstly look at the seven continents and after recapping that we lived in Europe the children began investigating exactly where Cornwall was located. They were able to tell me, using maps and atlases that Cornwall is in the South West of England which was part of the United Kingdom which is in Europe. They also used a local OS map to locate exactly where our local area of Gunnislake/St Ann’s Chapel is. During our next lesson the children spent time creating their own sketch map of Cornwall from a high view point. This required them to use observational skills to recreate the shapes of the coastlines. Next, the children compared local maps from the 1950’s to the present day to identify similarities and differences between them. This encouraged them to ask and answer questions about place, positions, patterns and processes whilst investigating the maps.

In literacy this month we began to read and study ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. We completed lots of VIPER activities to help us learn more about what we were reading and the children spent time writing character and setting descriptions. They completed hot seating activities to help them think about the questions they may ask certain characters as well as how those characters may answer the questions. We completed work on fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and apostrophes to help us prepare for or final write. The children used a story plan to plan out the story of the Iron Man from his point of view. They used writing toolkits to make sure they were including all of the necessary features.

In Maths we finished our decimal unit whilst continuing to practice our times tables.

In Science the children have been learning about ‘Changing States’. They identified the three different states and learnt about their particle arrangements and properties. They looked at reversible and irreversible changes and melting and boiling points of different materials. They then planned out an experiment investigating the melting points of different foods.

This month we were lucky enough to have a visit from and ambulance and paramedic who taught us lots about the things on an ambulance and what they are used for. The children enjoyed asking questions to find out even more.


Fistral   April 2024

Posted 03/05/2024
by Sarah Evans

April has been a short month due to the Easter holidays but we have still managed to pack in lots of learning.

In English we have been learning about stories by the same author, Lauren Child. We have been enjoying her Clarice Bean stories and are currently working on planning our own.

Maths has been all about fractions so far this term. We have learnt how to recognise and find equal groups, recognise and find a half, a quarter and three quarters of a shape and a quantity. 

Our big question this half term is 'Who was Francis Drake and why was he important?'
We have enjoyed finding out about his voyages and learnt some grisly facts about life on the 'Golden Hind'
Most of us have seen his statue in Tavistock so we know he is important locally. We are looking forward to our trip to Buckland Abbey to find out more.

Art has been all about Vincent van Gogh. We have been looking at his paintings and discussing what we notice and like/don't like about them.
We have learnt about tints and shades and have experimented with colours and patterns in his style. Next we will be trying to reproduce his 'Starry Night' painting for our art exhibition at the end of May.

Science has been all about plants. We had fun dissecting seeds and comparing them to bulbs. Then we planted some seeds with varying amounts of light and water and are waiting to see what will happen to them. 



Posted 11/04/2024
by Michaela Wright

March 2024

This month we have been studying the Vikings. Our history question was; ‘Who were the Vikings and what impact did they have on Britain?’ The children asked and answered questions about the past and evaluated the reliability of their evidence to discover more about this period in history. They uncovered where the Viking period came in our history timeline and then who the Vikings were, where their homelands where and where and why they came and settled here. They then looked at the impact the Vikings had on Britain by studying how Britain was before the Vikings came to settle, how it was during their raids and this era and then after the Viking era ended.

In Literacy this month we have been studying the story ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. We read the story as a class over the course of the month whilst completing VIPER activities and using our Fab Four characters to investigate the story in more detail. The children completed lots of SPaG work, particularly focusing on expanded noun phrases, direct speech and fronted adverbials before eventually planning, writing and editing their very own short story as an unlikely hero.

In Maths we completed lots of work on fractions. The children also spent lots of time working on their multiplications. We have been using Times Table Rockstars to help increase our recall of times table facts.

In Science this month we celebrated science week by completing several extra science investigations in addition to our electricity unit. The children spent lots of time investigating circuits in their unit of learning and looking at renewable and non-renewable sources and electrical safety. Our extra investigations involved the children researching farming of the future and then used the Tinkercad software to design their own farm of the future. They also used Scratch Jnr. to explore time travel. After researching what time travel could be the children demonstrated how it might look using the Scratch Jnr. app.


The ARC   March

Posted 04/04/2024
by Johanna Thomas

Spring time and Science

Solids, Liquids and Gasses.

We have been busy with our science this term to witness the changes that happen during some solid and liquid experiments.

First we made Ice decorations showing that liquid can change to a solid and then back to a liquid using the freezing and melting method.

Secondly in science we cut up fruit and mixed with our liquid (yogurt) and froze it to see if we could make it into a solid. It froze and made delicious fruit lollipops.

When we froze water, milk, vinegar and apple juice, some of us thought the milk would freeze first, some the water and some the vinegar. The water froze first with the milk at a close second.

Finally we decided to see if we could turn a solid into a liquid by using the melting process. I think the boys enjoyed this the most. The water that reached boiling point during the melting process turned into a gas (we could see this by the the steam rising).


Seaton   March 2024

Posted 02/04/2024
by Rachel Tomkins

March has been an action packed month. We designed and made our Easter baskets using the weaving technique we had practised on paper. We learnt about the human body and how senses can be used to inform us about what is around us. We learnt about a significant figure in the world of paleontology - Mary Anning.
We had a great time on our Wild Tribe morning. We loved getting creative with crafts and stories out in the woods.
We went on a trip to The Box museum in Plymouth. We took the train and joined a local children's author in celebrating the International Day of Happiness. We each came up with ideas that the author made into a song. We sang the song together at Plymouth station. While at The Box we learned all about the detective work that natural historians do. We tried to match up animals skulls to their diets and their species. We met Mildred the woolly mammoth - she was magnificent and quite enormous! We also got to see some huge fossils up close which reminded us of our work on Mary Anning.
In literacy we have learnt about, told and written riddles about animals and about dinosaurs. We read our dinosaur riddles to Year 4 who had to guess which type of dinosaur was being described. 
|n maths we have been exploring numbers to 50 and going outdoors to use our length measuring skills.


Seaton   February 2024

Posted 02/04/2024
by Rachel Tomkins

In February we began thinking about a new big question - 'How do we know about dinosaurs?'. We began learning about fossils and paleontologists. 
In science, we learned about what different animals like to eat and whether they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. We also learnt that some animals make more suitable pets than others and explored the reasons for this.
This month we also learnt more about internet safety. We used the DigiDuck stories to explore how we should conduct ourselves online and we learnt that, when we see something online that makes us feel uncomfortable, we should stop, close and tell a trusted adult. 
We have also began exploring patterns, textures and colours in fabrics and have started to learn to weave by weaving paper. 
In literacy we have been reading and writing letters inspired by the 'Dear Dinosaur' story.


Head's Blog   Latest Head's Blog (Delaware and Gunnislake)

Posted 27/03/2024
by Lynn Cox

I hope that you all had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend. What a refreshing change to see the sunshine! I hope that you all managed to make the most of it- long may it continue. 
We were very fortunate last week to have visit from Mr Peter Salisbury, who is an ambulance driver. He brought his ambulance along to both school bases and showed the children the exterior, the interior and even let them see the flashing lights and sirens. Ambulances can be quite a frightening sight for children - they are fast moving and very loud. With their blacked-out windows they can also seen quite mysterious. Children often have a fear of the unknown but this visit has showed them what is behind the windows. Whist I hope that the children will never have to experience travelling in an ambulance, I hope that the visit would make the experience less scary.
Recently, the Reception children, along with some of the Nursery class had a fantastic session of Maypole dancing. It was wonderful to see the absolute joy on their faces they wound the ribbons around the pole. I was impressed by their skill and focus.
Last week some pupils in Year 5 have been taking part in the Bikeability programme. This scheme is run by our sport's partnership provider, Arena, and it teaches pupils how to ride safely on the roads. I presented them with certificates and badges in last week's celebration assembly and they were very proud of their achievements. 
I recently sent out a letter explaining Accelerated Reader levelled books and how we are using them in the school. If you missed it there is a copy uploaded below.
Congratulations to Year 3 who won the attendance award this week with 100%.
I hope that you all enjoy the sunny weekend!


Fistral   March 2024

Posted 27/03/2024
by Sarah Evans

We have had lots of fun and managed to take some of our learning outside despite the wet weather.

In Science we have been learning about 'Living Things and Their Habitats'.
We started by classifying things that are living, non-living, dead and never been alive. Then we learnt about different habitats around the world and how the animals that live there, adapt to their environment and depend on each other for survival. We managed to spend some time in the woods looking at micro-habitats and undertaking a survey of bugs that we found there.
In Computing we have been learning all about programmable toys and our teacher was very impressed that we can all explain what 'algorithm' means!

We have also been creating some amazing sketches of the view of our playground in the style of Lowry. We learnt lots of techniques beforehand such as hatching, crosshatching, stippling and shading. We also had fun creating matchstick figures and adding details to them. We tried to include many of these techniques in our sketches.

Our topic 'Where Do We Live?' had a mainly Geography focus. We really enjoyed our walk around the local area identifying human and physical features and created some fabulous maps for another class who wanted to know the way to the park. 

Wishing you all a relaxing Easter break with your families.


Head's Blog   22nd March 2024

Posted 22/03/2024
by Lynn Cox

As we reach the end of another few weeks at both bases, I wanted to say thank you for supporting the various events which have been taking place during the last couple of weeks. 
It was lovely to see so many of you at our 'fashion parade' during World Book Day. The children looked fantastic in their book character costumes and they spent the day engaging in a range of reading related tasks. I want to than all of the teachers for planning these activities for the children and also Miss Owen for coordinating the event. I have had lots of children tell me how much they enjoyed being on the 'catwalk'!
Mrs Hannaford and the football team have really enjoyed playing in the Callington Arena league. They have had a few wins, but the most admirable thing is that they have played with passion, good humour and determination- well done to all!
Last Friday was Comic Relief. Across the two bases we raised just over £140 which is amazing! I want to particularly thank members of the school council at the Gunnislake base who bravely put themselves forward to be 'gunged' for money. 
Y1 had a fantastic 'Wild Tribe' day on Tuesday where they made magic wands from willow, played games and toasted marshmallows over a camp fire.
We are looking forward to the Easter Bunny Hop next Thursday- thank you for all of your donations for the tombola.


Head's Blog   12th March 2024

Posted 12/03/2024
by Sarah Sanson

Delaware and Gunnislake sites update


The Department for Education have given us the ‘green light’ to officially confirm the split site arrangement we have had in place for the last 4 years.


This means that the move to Delaware being an infant school and Gunnislake being a junior school (over both sites) IS happening. We are looking to make this move formal in September 2024. 


Much of what happens currently will continue, we are looking at anything that might need to be adjusted to accommodate the permanent change. 


There will be some changes with admissions, although the local authority has already been working with us to support the new system. Parents with children new to EYFS will continue to register (this will all be through Delaware, no Gunnislake places) and then there will be an admissions process to apply for a Year 3 place when your child is in Year 2. This year we have this in hand with the local authority and you will receive a letter from them in April, confirming your child’s place at Gunnislake (although they will be attending Year 3/4 on the Delaware site). We are here to support you with any questions that might arise, nobody will miss out on school places who are currently with us.


The minibus will continue to run between sites, as we know this is something that many of you rely on.


 Should you have any questions about any aspect of this confirmation, please contact Mrs Cox at school, as we are all working very closely on this.



Best Wishes,

Mrs Cox (Headteacher), Mr Wright (Chair of Governors), Mrs Sanson (Area Executive Head) and Mr Massey (Chief Executive)


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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Welcome back to all of our pupils. Nursery, Reception, Y1, Y2 , Y3 and Y4 will be taught at the Delaware base. Y5 and Y6 will be taught at the Gunnislake base.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.